

I just had a pretty fun night. It was very casual hang-out time in the city, at a cute little coffee shop called Blend. It was nice. Then I came home and found a package waiting for me. IT'S MY YARN!! That came very quickly. Now, I can get rolling again on the wrap jacket.

I didn't knit a single stitch today and I probably won't (since it's already 10:45 and we're supposed to try and get tickets for the Ninja Turtles movie tonight...how excited am I?? Pretty excited, actually). I work tomorrow afternoon...so maybe I'll knit before that...after I finish the dress.

Speaking of the dress...I think it will either a)fit me or b) be too big, not too small at all. We'll see. I have to finish the shoulders, seam up the back...then tackle that zipper. That's it...jet set...tomorrow I'm looking at a finished dress (as long as it fits and I don't have to rip and trim)!

No pictures, my lovelies...not enough time...and a bit of a headache.

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